Autumn Binge Watching

Although its not officially autumn, its close enough for me! With autumn comes school, shorter days and longer nights, colder weather, trees changing colors and new shows coming onto Netflix. So in celebration of this upcoming season of binge watching, here is a list of my favorite shows to binge watch, as well as a list of shows that I am planning on watching! Let me know what shows you like to watch too!!!
These are the shows that I watch pretty regularly and I plan on re-watching or have more seasons coming to Netflix.
Favorite shows to binge watch:
1. Friends
2. The Following
3. Gossip Girl
4. The Vampire Diaries
5. Parks and Recreation
6. 30Rock
7. That 70’s Show
8. Scandal
9. How I Met Your Mother
10. Arrow
These shows are coming to or already on Netflix, that I haven’t watched before but am going to start!
Shows to binge watch:
1. Stranger Things
2. The Strain
3. Mad Men
4. Homeland
5. Narcos
6. House of Cards
7. How to Get Away with Murder
8. The Tomorrow People
9. The Pyramid Code
10. Shameless
Autumn is by far my favorite time of the year! I can’t wait to be able to curl up in a cozy blanket, with some hot chocolate and my boyfriend by my side, and start our binge watching sessions. If you guys have any yummy snacks you like to make during the autumn or eat while you watch your favorite shows let me know in the comments!!! I will most likely keep all of you updated on my Netflix addiction.